today i am feeling GOOD! the weather is amazing, my workouts are awesome, my eating is going pretty good for the most part, and my cold is quickly leaving my body. (i hate having a cold when it's nice outside. makes it feel so much worse.)
i am just all about embracing life today.
i plan on getting some things
- selling my textbooks via barnes and noble. check.
- cleaning the apartment (much's been neglected because of school & finals week)
- organizing apartment (i got way too much crap. time to go to goodwill)
- work on my new managerial activities! (got a promotion at the gym :) i am now "service desk coordinator" and get to train staff, communicate with all departments, come up with new ideas, and basically be an assistant to my manager)
- practice my step n tone routine for my first class tomorrow. CHECK & it went awesome!
that's about all the time i have for today.....might have to some tomorrow too.
moving on.
bootcamp because i love to post my workouts. :D this morning i wasn't feeling it as much as monday. it seemed intimidating. but i still pushed through and felt great after as usual.
we had 6 different stations. 1 minute at each station. we rotated through the whole thing 3 times.
#1: slideboard mountain climbers (these are much harder on a slideboard!)
#2: squat w/ 25 lb kettlebell (easy enough..until you get to round 3)
#3: pull ups (i put my knees in a resistance band to do assisted pulls up because i can't even do one pull up) it looked like this:

#4: hanging knee tucks. again.....intimidating. but do-able. i almost felt like a trapeze artist. gosh..they are strong..
#5: rope exercise that looked like this

this one suzi (wednesday b.c. trainer) kept telling me to make big circles. these things are heavier than they look. especially right after holding yourself up from doing hanging knee tucks.
#6: run two laps with a heavy sandbag. enough said. felt like i was on the biggest loser carrying their weight that they lost. power to them....that sucked.
speaking of the biggest loser....i have cried at literally the past 3 episodes. it makes me so emotional.
obviously i need to go into this field of helping people live a healthy lifestyle.
last night i went to dinner with my dad & his fiance, val, and they asked me what i would want if they won the powerball lottery. (they buy tickets all the time and are convinced that they're going to win at some point.) i said i wanted to own my own fitness studio for group fitness classes like kickboxing, yoga, step aerobics, cardio intervals, and much more. i also want to help people learn how to make nutritious choices and just basically counsel them into living healthier lives. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO. why am i not pursuing this more?
anyway back to bootcamp...
we did all those 3 times then headed in straight to core work. suzi is the champ at teaching core and i think mine has gotten much stronger because of her. i no longer hate doing core exercises and can hold a strong plank for more than 1 minute.
we did...
bicycle crunches for 30 sec.
basic crunches for 30 sec.
plank pose for 30 sec.
all 3x
easy enough. :)
she came around and tried to push us over during planks. ha
alright..well off to tackle my to do list. & watch little fockers at the same time.
I totally believe that you can be the next Jillian Michaels. I did see your comment last night about the almond butter - I expect to see my treat this weekend. :) Thanks girly
ReplyDeleteI agree that the mountain climbers are so much harder on the slideboard than on the floor. It makes my quads burn!