friday night i drove to des moines to see my dad and to celebrate my little sister's birthday. it was fun and i hated that i had to leave early saturday to drive back since i had to work.
saturday night after work i headed to "the red stripe" where i got to see all my friends who i havent seen in months. i got to catch up with most of them and it just makes me miss the old times so much more.
and then sunday i worked my normal shift with my sunday "crew." :)
afterward i went to outback with the family for my grandma's birthday.
annnnd my steelers didn't win. =( sad story. at least the packers made the bears look better, right?
i crashed way early last night. which is good because i got up @ 5 this morning to go to the free trial bootcamp at my gym.
holy crap was it intense. my heart rate stayed between 150 and 180 the entire time. we did "ladders" where we would do a set of three work outs and do each move once then twice then 3 times and so on until 10. and then we would run 3 laps as fast as we could. and then we would go "down the ladder" and start with 10 and work our way down and run 3 fast laps again. and after that we would start on a whole new set.
i only got through 2 full sets in the hour that we had. but i burned 580 calories.
with that crazy calorie burn, i decided pancakes would be a much needed and satisfying breakfast. i made the flax protein pancakes again, but added a banana. :)
thanks for stopping by my blog!!!! urs is sooo cute! alot of bloggers are cooking up pancakes lately! I think i am going to have pancakes tomorrow!!! urs looks delicous!!